Monday 15 September 2014

Ferdinand calls Terry an IDIOT!

Rio Ferdinand has torn into John Terry for the racism storm that resulted in Ferdinand’s mother receiving death threats and bullets in the post. Ferdinand has branded Terry ‘the biggest idiot’ for sparking the controversy at Loftus Road on October 23, 2011, when the Chelsea captain called Ferdinand’s younger brother Anton a ‘f***ing black c***’. While Terry was acquitted in a criminal trial, an independent FA tribunal found him guilty of racially abusing Anton and punished him with a four-game ban and £220,000 fine. You can like our Manchester United Facebook page here Rio Ferdinand has accused John Terry of ¿stupidity¿ over the racial insult he delivered to his brother Anton Rio Ferdinand has accused John Terry of ¿stupidity¿ over the racial insult he delivered to his brother Anton The FA ruled that Anton Ferdinand (left) was called a 'f****** black c***' by John Terry in 2011 The FA ruled that Anton Ferdinand (left) was called a 'f****** black c***' by John Terry in 2011 Chelsea defender John Terry used to partner QPR's Rio Ferdinand at the heart of England's defence Chelsea defender John Terry used to partner QPR's Rio Ferdinand at the heart of England's defence In an explosive new autobiography, Ferdinand reflects on the drama for the first time, accusing Terry and Ashley Cole — former England colleagues he considered friends — of ‘betrayal’ Ferdinand is no longer friends with either man. He also writes how the controversy took a huge toll on his family. ‘My brother Anton, the innocent party in all this, had his career damaged and was subjected to death threats,’ writes Ferdinand in #2sides, which is being serialised in The Sun. ‘There were bullets in the post, and unending racist abuse. ‘My mum had her windows smashed and bullets put through her door, and ended up in hospital with a virus because of the stress.’ John Terry quit England after the FA¿s charge, despite being cleared in court of racial abuse John Terry quit England after the FA¿s charge, despite being cleared in court of racial abuse Ferdinand also reveals he would have agreed to play alongside Terry for England at Euro 2012 had Roy Hodgson taken the time to ask him. But Ferdinand said Terry ‘could have saved everyone a lot of pain by admitting immediately that he used the words in the heat of the moment’. He also condemned Terry for failing to apologise to the Ferdinand family after his FA punishment. ‘I find it impossible to forgive or forget the pain he put my family through,’ he said. Ferdinand believes the storm ‘wrecked’ his England career because he remains convinced Hodgson made a straight choice between him and Terry for Euro 2012. Hodgson denied it, insisting it was for ‘footballing reasons’ that Ferdinand was omitted from a squad that included Terry. But Ferdinand complains ‘no one ever asked’ if he was prepared to play with Terry despite the criminal trial that was due to follow the tournament. The FA and Chelsea declined to comment on Sunday night.

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